If you don't already know, my name is Jasmine Luter. I have been married to my best friend (Chip), who happens to be a pastor (stay tuned for some posts about our experiences in parenting and how ministry plays a role), for a whole decade!!!! We have two kiddos, Drew (7) and Zoe (5….going on 15 lo!!!). I love to write, all things chocolate, baking, cooking, and trying new recipes and according to my husband have an addiction to Target (but what mom doesn’t though?!!) That doesn’t quite give you the full picture though. I’m a snack provider, chauffeur, conflict resolution coach, chef, maid, and laundry service. Then again, you probably already knew that because you are likely one too!
My heart is to encourage you by sharing my own (often humorous) experiences, stories and challenges in parenting. I also have some wonderful mom friends who do some amazing things and encourage me and they will be sharing some of their stories periodically as well! It really does “take a village” and raising these children is not an easy task; we need the support of each other to raise kids up to be godly men and women.
I’m so glad you’ve come to my blog. I’d love for you to subscribe so that you don’t miss a post. Interact, email me, join our “ Mama you are loved” Facebook group and let’s create a community of encouragement and support.