Here are some of my favorite sites to follow for encouragement and devotionals:

 Here are a few of my favorite kids book recommendations for Black History Month:

1. In the Garden with Dr Carver- Susan Grigsby: Sally is a young girl living in rural Alabama in the early 1900s, a time when people were struggling to grow food in soil that had been depleted by years of cotton production. One day, Dr. George Washington Carver shows up to help the grownups with their farms and the children with their school garden. He teaches them how to restore the soil and respect the balance of nature. He even prepares a delicious lunch made of plants, including "chicken" made from peanuts. And Sally never forgets the lessons this wise man leaves in her heart and mind. Susan Grigsby's warm story shines new light on an African American scientist who was ahead of his time.

2. God's Very Good Idea- Trillia Newbell: God's Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell is all about God's delightfully different family. Everyone you see is different than you, and the same as you. We look different, speak different and play different---but we are all valuable. That's because, in the beginning, God had the very good idea of making us that way. This is the story of His idea---and how you can be a part of it! This is a great one for all ages!!

3. The Who is/ What Was series is great!! It tells about various events and people in History. This is good for older and younger kids. Some notable ones from the series are: Who was Sojourner Truth? (Yona McDonough), Who was George Washington Carver? (Jim Gigliotti), What was the Underground Railroad? (Yona McDonough), and What was the March on Washington? (Kathleen Krull)

4.The Story of Martin Luther King Jr.- Johnny Ray Moore: This little book tells the story of Martin Luther King Jr. in a way that even very young children will understand. This simple but accurate account of his life begins with King’s childhood, making it easy for little ones to relate to his story. Children will learn that he excelled in school, became a minister, and worked to end segregation in America. This book is a great way for parents to begin to teach their children about this inspirational historical figure.

extra: Amazing Grace- Mary Hoffman: I had this book as a child and it was a favorite of mine!Grace loves stories, whether they're from books, movies, or the kind her grandmother tells. When her school decides to perform Peter Pan, Grace longs to play the lead, but her classmates point out that Peter was a boy. Besides, he wasn't black. With the support of her family, Grace learns that she can be anything she wants to be, and the results are amazing!

Creative God, Colorful Us- Trillia Newbell (will be released Feb 2., 2021)

extra fun activity: Great African Americans Knowledge Cards- These flashcards teach facts about great inventors and leaders in African American History. Those well known in African American history and those who weren't as well known are included so it's a great learning and teaching tool. You can even make a fun fact matching game out of it or use them in various creative ways to learn, teach and grasp the facts depicted. You can find these cards and order them on

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